
Upcoming talks

Earlier keynote lectures

Earlier talks and organized workshops

  1. Altmetrics and societal impact. Research Impact Summit, 26.-27.10.2022. Online event:
  2. Metrics in the transition towards open science. Åbo Akademi Open Access week. 25.10.2022, Turku, Finland.
  3. Altmetrics and new forms of scholarly communication13th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities – Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 8.-9.12.2019, Berlin, Germany.
  4. Assessing Open Access advantages through relative visibility and relative receptivity. Together with Juha Hedman. 24th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometric and Research Policy 2019, 28.11.2019, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  5. Vad vet Google, Facebook, Instagram och andra sociala medier om mig? Säkerhet i sociala medier. 21.11.2019, Kemiö, Finland.
  6. Altmetriikka ja avoin tiedeInformaatioalan akateemiset ry:n Kirjamessuseminaari 2019, 25.10.2019, Helsinki, Finland.
  7. New forms of scholarly communication and altmetrics4th CANTATA meeting – EU COST Action CA-15117, 10.10.2019, Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
  8. Google Search results as an altmetrics data source?. Together with Timothy D. Bowman. 17th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics conference, 2.-5.9.2019, Rome, Italy.
  9. Att vara säker och smart på webben. Regional State Administrative Agencies, 10.4.2019, Turku, Finland.
  10. Risker och möjligheter med sociala medie. All digital week, 26.3.2019, Mariehamn, Finland.
  11. Att vara säker på webben. 19.3.2019, Kimito, Finland.
  12. Att vara säker och smart på webben. Regional State Administrative Agencies, 12.2.2019, Vaasa, Finland.
  13. Att utvärdera forskning – från bibliometri till altmetri. 28.11.2018, Umeå, Sweden.
  14. MLE on Open Science. EC-BE Open Science conference, 21.11.2018, Brussels, Belgium.
  15. Att vara säker och smart på webben. Regional State Administrative Agencies, 23.10.2018, Helsinki, Finland.
  16. Altmetrics in research evaluation. Natural Resources Institute Finland, 4.10.2018, Turku, Finland.
  17. Open Science, Altmetrics and Rewards, at University of Camerino, 28.9.2018, Camerino, Italy.
  18. Holmberg, K. & Bowman, T.D. (2018). Collecting research data from Twitter’s public APIs: A comparison between the Search API and the Sample APIaltmetrics18, 25.9.2018, London, UK.
  19. Interactive round table on Open Science and Research MetricsEuroscience Open Forum in Toulouse, France, in July 9-14, 2018.
  20. Säker och smart på webben (English title: Being safe and smart online), 18.4.2018, Ekenäs, Finland.
  21. Changing Scholarly Communication and Altmetrics at the OECD Global Science Forum (GSF) – NESTI Workshop in Paris, France, in April 9, 2018.
  22. Säker och smart på webben (English title: Being safe and smart online), 23.11.2017, Loviisa, Finland.
  23. Säker och smart på webben (English title: Being safe and smart online), 16.12.2017, Ekenäs, Finland.
  24. Säker och smart på webben (English title: Being safe and smart online), 2.11.2017, Turku, Finland.
  25. Sinun digitaalinen jalanjälkesi – fiksusti verkossa (English title: Your digital footprint – being smart online, Digitaalisen oppimisen seminaari, 2.11.2017, Helsinki, Finland.
  26. Why do some research articles receive more online attention? Reasons for online success16th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics conference, 16-20.10.2017, Wuhan, China.
  27. Altmetrics – evidence of societal impact of science or just buzz? Forskningens genomslag utanför akademin, 22.5.2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
  28. Social media as a science communication too and altmetrics as an impact metric, Scientists in Social Media – What’s the point? -workshop organized by the Academy of Finland, 11.5.2017, Helsinki, Finland.
  29. Miten tutkimuksen laatu näkyy? -työpaja (together with Anu Nuutinen), Avoimuuden Pyöreä Pöytä, 10.5.2017, Helsinki, Finland.
  30. Altmetrics – What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Need to Know, Bibliometriikkaseminaari, December 16, 2016, Helsinki, Finland.
  31. Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2016). Altmetrics and universities’ research profiles. DISC conference, 8.-10. December, 2016, Daegu, South Korea. [Extended abstract]
  32. The disconnection between ranking of journals by usage and price. Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics, October 3, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  33. Open Access advantage? An altmetric analysis of Finnish research publications. SIG-MET, October 14, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  34. Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2016). Altmetrics and research profiles for 10 universities in Finland. 3AM conference, 28.-29. September, 2016, Bukarest, Romania. [Extended abstract]
  35. Altmetrics – a brief introduction, ERASMUS Staff exchange. June 8, 2016, Jyväskylä, Finland.
  36. Lyhyt johdatus altmetriikkaan, SYN webinaari. February 24, 2016.
  37. Holmberg, K. (2015). The different meanings and levels of impact of altmetrics. 11th WIS conference, 26.-28. November, 2015, Delhi, India.
  38. Project presentation, Avoimen tieteen foorumi, 11. November, 2015, Tampere, Finland.
  39. Holmberg, K. (2015). Tutkimuksesta käytäntöön. Miten yhteiskunnallisen arvioinnin mittareita tutkitaan? Tieteessä tapahtuu -foorumi:Mitä mittaat, sitä saat? Tutkimuksen yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttavuuden arvioimisesta, 20. October, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
  40. Altmetrics workshop,  Bibliometriikkaseminaari, 16. October, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
  41. Holmberg, K. (2015). Measuring the societal impact of open science, Bibliometriikkaseminaari, 16. October, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
  42. Didegah, F., Bowman, T.D., & Holmberg, K. (2015). The need for more sophisticated altmetric indicators: A proposal for the categorization and development of aggregate indicatorsaltmetrics15 workshop, 9. October, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  43. Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2015). The meaning of impact in altmetricsaltmetrics15 workshop, 9. October, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  44. Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2015). Measuring the societal impact of open science2AM conference, 7.-8. October, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  45. Birkholz, J., Seeber, M. & Holmberg, K. (2015). Drivers of higher education institutions’ visibility: a study of UK HEIs social media use vs. organizational characteristics. Talk delivered on 1 July, 2015, at the ISSI2015 conference.
  46. Holmberg, K. (2015). Online attention of universities in Finland: Are the bigger universities bigger online too? Talk delivered on 2 July, 2015, at the ISSI2015 conference.
  47. Holmberg, K. (2015). Aggregation by the level of impact in altmetrics Ignite talk delivered on 2 July, 2015, at the ISSI2015 conference.
  48. Altmetriikka ja avoimen tieteen vaikuttavuuden mittarit, ITYn kevätseminaari, 30.5.2015, Helsinki, Finland.
  49. Altmetriikka – tieteellisen toiminnan vaikuttavuuden vaihtoehtoiset indikaattorit, Avoin tiede – ylikirjastonhoitaja Päivi Kytömäen juhlaseminaari, 8.5.2015, Oulu, Finland. [Slides]
  50. Hur IKT förändrar skolan och undervisningen,  Jakobstad, 19.3.2015
  51. @God please let me win the lottery tonite – Is God answering on Twitter? Helsinki, 22.1.2015
  52. Hur IT förändrar skolan, Tammerfors, 30.10.2014.
  53. Sociala medier i undervisning – Möjligheter och hotbilder, Jakobstad, 23.10.2014.
  54. Om visualisering av information, marknadsföring, sociala medier som viktiga kanaler, Tammerfors, 13.10.2014.
  55. Hur IKT förändrar skolan, Pargas, 11.10.2014.
  56. Sosiaalisen median lyhyt historia ja pitkä tulevaisuus, #Hashlaatko? seminaari, Turun kaupunginkirjasto, 24.9.2014. [video]
  57. Holmberg, K. (2014). Meaning of altmetrics, presentation at the 35th IATUL conference June 2-5, Espoo, Finland.
  58. Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2014). Analyzing the climate change debate on Twitter – content and differences between genders. To appear in the Proceedings of WebSci2014, 23-26 June, 2014, Bloomington, IN.
  59. Holmberg, K. (2014). The impact of retweeting. Altmetrics14 workshop at WebSci2014, 23-26 June, 2014, Bloomington, IN.
  60. Twitter and campaign spreading around the 5th IPCC report, presentation at the Social Media and the Transformation of Public Space -conference June 18-20, 2014, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  61. Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2014). Combining network structures and meanings: Tweeting over the IPCC report. Sunbelt 2014 conference, 18-23 February, 2014 in St Petersburg, Florida, USA. [Slides]
  62. Conducting Twitter Research, an ASIS&T webinar in December 2013. [Slides]
  63. Holmberg, K. (2013). Discovering scholarly communication on Twitter. In the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) & 14 th Collnet meeting 2013, Tartu, Estonia.
  64. Holmberg, K. & Thelwall, M. (2013). Disciplinary Differences in Twitter Scholarly Communication. @ ISSI 2013, 15.-19.7.2013, Vienna, Austria.
  65. Invited talk about social media, 6.6.2013, Tampere, Finland.
  66. Holmberg, K. & Thelwall, M. (2013). Disciplinary Differences in Selected Scholars’ Twitter Transmissions. @ ASIS&T European Workshop, 5.6.2013, Turku, Finland.
  67. Invited talk: “Learning together apart: Online virtual worlds in education”, @ Fifth All-Russian Innovation Convention, at Skolkovo Hypercube, 18.12.2012, Moscow, Russia.
  68. Guest lecture about webometrics and informetrics, @ University of Oulu, 13.11.2012, Oulu, Finland.
  69. Sociala medier i marknadsföring, 8.11.2012, Mariehamn, Åland.
  70. Invited to attend a panel discussion “E-learning as a new philosophy of education”, @ Open Innovations. Moscow international forum for innovative development, 2.11.2012, Moscow, Russia.
  71. Guest lecture about social media, @ CLL/ÅA, 12.10.2012, Åbo, Finland.
  72. Intensive course on Information Literacy, Health Information and Social Media, 17-21.9.2012, @ University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
  73. What are they saying about us? Customer monitoring in social media, @ EDGE seminar, 4.5.2012, Helsinki, Finland.
  74. Sociala medier i marknadsföring -workshop, 12.4.2012, Mariehamn, Åland.
  75. E-kirja, sosiaalinen media ja kirjastot (English title: E-book, social media, and libraries), @ Talentum Events – Kirjastopalvelut, 28.3.2012, Helsinki, Finland.
  76. Holmberg, K. (2012). Online Information Ripples – A conceptual model for analyzing information dissemination patterns in social media.Proceedings of the 2nd DGI Conference: Social media & Web Science – The Web as a Living Space, March 22. – 23., 2012, Duesseldorf, Germany. [Pre-print]
  77. Sociala medier – möjligheter och hotbilder, @ Tehy, 17.3.2012, Helsingfors, Finland.
  78. Sosiaalisen median mahdollisuudet ja uhkakuvat (English title: Possibilities and threats of social media), @ Ikääntyvien yliopisto, 6.3.2012, Vaasa, Finland.
  79. Holmberg, K. (2011). Lessons learned from the birth and evolution of a virtual community for educators. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2011), workshop on Real Education in Virtual Worlds, November 28 – December 2, 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand. [Pre-print]
  80. Webometrics workshop, 24.11.2011, Lund, Sweden.
  81. Sociala medier: verktyg för undervisning och studier (English title: Social media: tools for teaching and learning), 8.11.2011, Helsinki, Finland.
  82. Sosiaalisen median mahdollisuuksia ja uhkakuvia (English title: Social media: Possibilities and threats), 7.11.2011, Kotka, Finland.
  83. Sosiaalisen median mahdollisuuksia ja uhkakuvia kirjastoissa (English title: Social media: Possibilities and threats for libraries), @ Sosiaalinen media ja kirjastot-seminaari, 22.9.2011, Mikkeli, Finland.
  84. Garnett, A., Holmberg, K., Pikas, C., Piwowar, H., Priem, J. & Weber, N. (2011). Shaken and Stirred: ASIS&T 2011 Attendee Reactions to Shaking It Up: Embracing New Methods for Publishing, Finding, Discussing and Measuring Our Research OutputASIS&T Annual Meeting, 9.-12.10.2011, New Orleans, USA. [Refereed poster]
  85. Garnett, A., Holmberg, K., Pikas, C., Piwowar, H., Priem, J. & Weber, N. (2011). Shaking it up: Embracing New Methods for Publishing, Finding, Discussing and Measuring our Research OutputASIS&T Annual Meeting, 9.-12.10.2011, New Orleans, USA. [Refereed panel]
  86. ISSOME2011, Information Science and Social Media – international conference, 24.-26.8.2011, Turku, Finland.
  87. E-kirjojen tulevaisuus ja sosiaalisen median mahdollisuudet (English title: Future of e-books and the possibilities of social media), @ HansaBook-seminaari, 23.8.2011, Helsinki, Finland.
  88. Discovering shared interests through co-outlinking in a municipal web space @ ISSI 2011 conference, 4.-8.7.2011, Durban, South Africa.
  89. Sosiaalinen media opetus-, nuoriso- ja kirjastotoimen henkilöstön työssä @ Luentosarja sosiaalisesta mediasta, 24.5.2011, Lapua, Finland.
  90. Kirjastot ja sosiaalinen media: Mitä? Miksi? Miten? (English title: Libraries and social media: What? Why? How?). @ Library Top Management Forum: Muuttuva Johtajuus ja Uudet Osaamistarpeet, 19.5.2011, Turku, Finland.
  91. Kirjastot ja sosiaalinen media – käynnissä olevat tutkimushankkeet (English title: Libraries and social media – ongoing research projects), together with Susanna Nykyri and Maria Kronqvist-berg @ ITYn kevätseminaari, 18.5.2011, Helsinki, Finland.
  92. Kurkistus Second Life -virtuaalimaailmaan (English title: A look at the virtual world of Second Life). @ Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu, 17.5.2011, Turku, Finland.
  93. Att vara “ung” på webben – Möjligheter och hotbilder i sociala medier (English title: To be “young” on the Web – Possibilities and threats in social media) @ Nordisk nätverkskonferens – Utvecklingsstörning och psykisk hälsa, 12.5.2011, Naantali, Finland.
  94. Sosiaalinen Media – Mitä? Miksi? Miten? (English title: Social media – What? Why? How?), @ eTiedon seminaari, 7.4.2011, Turku, Finland.
  95. Virtual worlds in education and in promoting good health, presentation for Hyvinvointiverkosto, 15.12.2010, Helsinki, Finland.
  96. Guest lecture about social network analysis and webometrics, @ University of Oulu, 14.12.2010, Oulu, Finland.
  97. Social media – opportunities and challenges, presentation @ Folkhälsan, 26.11.2010, Helsinki, Finland.
  98. Social media – opportunities and challenges for libraries, presentation @ Lappeenrannan maakuntakirjasto, 19.11.2010, Lappeenranta, Finland.
  99. Social media best practice, presentation @ the Union of Baltic Cities, 10.11.2010, Turku, Finland.
  100. Social media best practice x 3, (three guest presentations about social media), 27.10.2010, Vasa, Finland.
  101. Learning and research in Second Life -workshop, Internet Research 11.0 conference, 20.10.2010, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  102. Prospects of learning in Second Life -conference, @ arranged by the Department of Information Studies, Åbo Akademi University, 14.-15.10.2010, Turku, Finland.
  103. Intensive course: Knowledge management, libraries and social media, 4.-8.10.2010, Windhoek, Namibia.
  104. Sociala medier i bibliotek (English title: Social media in libraries), 17.9.2010, Mariehamn, Finland.
  105. Smultronställen i sociala medier (English title: Social media best practice), 15.9.2010, Karis, Finland.
  106. Användningen av sociala medier i journalism (English title: The use of social media in journalism), @ Publicistförbundets Hangöseminarium, 20.8.2010, Hangö, Finland.
  107. Hyvinvoinnin edistämistä virtuaalisessa maailmassa (English title: Promoting well-being in a virtual world), @ Hyvinvointiverkoston kokous, 17.8.2010, Rovaniemi, Finland.
  108. Research workshop: Making Sense of Virtual Worlds and User Driven Innovation, 7.-9.6.2010, Magleaas, Denmark.
  109. From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – Opportunities and challenges for future librarians, Gaming and Web 2.0 – New challenges for librarians -seminar, 20.5.2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
  110. Va´då sociala medier? Korsholms vuxeninstitut, 10.5.2010, Korsholm, Finland.
  111. Framgångsrik strategi för sociala medier (English title: Successful strategies for social media), Folkhälsan, 28.4.2010, Helsinki, Finland.
  112. Library 2.0 symposium, Organized by Library 2.0 research group at Åbo Akademi, 15.-16.4.2010, Turku, Finland.
  113. Tulevaisuuden oppimisympäristöt (English title: Learning environments of the future). Kielitaituri hankkeen seminaari, 16.4.2010, Raisio, Finland.
  114. Sociala medier och virtuella världar: möjligheter och hotbilder (English title: Social media and virtual worlds: possibilities and threats).Svenska Kulturfondens Organisationskonferens, 12.3.2010, Tampere, Finland.
  115. Sosiaalinen media elinkeinopolitiikan toteuttamisessa (English title: Social media as part of economic development policies). Turku Region Development Centre, 9.3.2010, Turku, Finland.
  116. Vad är Bibliotek 2.0? En kvalitativ analys (English title: What is Library 2.0? A qualitative analysis). Informaatiolukutaito elinikäiseksi taidoksi-seminaari, 11.2.2010, Turku, Finland.
  117. Virtuaaliopetusta virtuaalisessa maailmassa (English title: Virtual education in a virtual world). Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu, Jobstep.netin kehittämisseminaari, 10.2.2010, Lahti, Finland.
  118. Public defence of my PhD titled: Webometric Network Analysis – Mapping Cooperation and Geopolitical Connections between Local Government Administration on the Web, 4.12.2009, Turku, Finland.
  119. Second Life -workshop @ University of Lapland, 30.10.2009, Rovaniemi, Finland.
  120. Second Life -workshop @ Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu, 29.10, 2009, Pori, Finland.
  121. Learning and Research in Second Life workshop -workshop Organized by Kim Holmberg, Isto Huvila and Terry Beaubois @ Internet Research 10.0 conference, 7.10.2009, Milwaukee, USA
  122. Sociala medier och biblioteket (slides), presentation for Åbo Akademi University Library, 30.9.2009, Turku, Finland
  123. Linking to a bilingual Web space @ Fifth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & Tenth COLLNET Meeting, 13.-16.9.2009, Dalian, China
  124. Bibliotek i Second Life – vad biblioteken gör i virtuella världar? @ Finlands svenska biblioteksförenings konferens, 10.-11.9.2009, Turku, Finland
  125. Bibliotek 2.0 – synlighet i online sociala nätverk (English title: Library 2.0 – visibility in online social networking sites) @ Finlands svenska biblioteksförenings konferens, 10.-11.9.2009, Turku, Finland
  126. Co-inlinking to a municipal Web space: A webometric and content analysis (full paper) @ ISSI conference, 14.-17.7.2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  127. The Nordic Landscape of LIS research: A Co-word Analysis of Research in Three Nordic Countries (poster) @ ISSI conference, 14.-17.7.2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  128. Työtä vai huvia? Kirjallisuuden maailma Second Lifessa (English title: Work or entertainment? The world of literature in Second Life) 5.-6.6.2009, Kouvola, Finland
  129. Sosiaalinen media ja web 2.0 (English title: Social media and web 2.0) @ Raja- ja merivartiokoulu, 20.5.2009, Turku, Finland
  130. Workshop on social media 12.5.2009, Mariehamn, Finland
  131. Talk about learning in virtual worlds @ Huippuosaaminen ja innovaatiot- seminar organized by Skills Finland ry., 5.-7.5.2009, m/s Silja Symphony, Finland
  132. Kirjasto 2.0 – sosiaalinen media kirjastoissa (English title: Library 2.0 – social media in libraries) 24.4.2009, Kokkola, Finland
  133. Miten Second Lifessa voi oppia? (English title: How can you learn in Second Life?) @ ITK konferenssi, 23.4.2009, Hämeenlinna, Finland
  134. Oppiminen Second Lifessa -työpaja (English title: Learning in Second Life -workshop) @ ITK konferenssi, 22.4.2009, Hämeenlinna, Finland
  135. Social media in education -workshop, 7.3.2009, Karjaa, Finland
  136. Kirjasto 2.0 ja 3D – kirjastot sosiaalisissa verkostoissa ja virtuaalisissa maailmoissa (English title: Library 2.0 and 3D – libraries in social networking sites and virtual worlds) 5.3.2009, Hämeenlinna, Finland
  137. Pathways to virtual libraries of the future @ Turku City Library, 25.2.2009, Turku, Finland
  138. Library 2.0 workshop 20.2.2009, Pietarsaari, Finland
  139. Second Life workshop 2.12.2008, Leppävaara, Finland
  140. Oppiminen eri maailmoissa – Mitä Second Lifessa voi oppia? (English title: Learning in different worlds – What can you learn in Second Life?) @Valtakunnalliset virtuaaliopetuksen päivät 2008 – virittäjien ja virtuoosien kohtauspaikka, 25.-26.11.2008, Helsinki, Finland
  141. NORSLIS Ph.D. Conference 2008: Themes of LIS – research (no presentation nor talk, just participation) @ Royal School of Library and Information Science, 24.-25.11.2008, Copenhagen, Denmark
  142. Bibliotek 2.0 workshop (English title: Library 2.0 workshop), 21.11.2008, Turku, Finland
  143. Kirjasto 2.0:sta Kirjasto 3D:hen – Ajankohtaista kirjastoalan tutkimuksessa (English title: from Library 2.0 to Library 3D – Current research in LIS) 20.11.2008, Helsinki, Finland
  144. Kirjasto 2.0 ja 3D – kirjastot sosiaalisissa verkostoissa ja virtuaalisissa maailmoissa (English title: Library 2.0 and 3D – libraries in social networking sites and virtual worlds) 19.11.2008, Porvoo, Finland
  145. Second Life workshop 11.11.2008, Leppävaara, Finland
  146. Virtuaalimaailmojen lisäarvo koulutuksessa (English title: Added value of virtual worlds in training and education) @ Digital Competence and Learning conference, 4.-5.11.2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland.
  147. Sosiaalinen median yritysten näkökulmasta (English title: Social media from a business point of view) @ Yrityksen verkkotietoiskut 2008, 30.10.2008, Turku, Finland
  148. Social Capital in Second Life virtual world Internet Research 9.0: Rethinking Community, Rethinking Place, 15.-18.10.2008, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  149. Session A202 – Challenges of Implementing 2.0 Technologies Library 2.0 research group, Department of Information Studies, Åbo Akademi @Internet Librarian International 2008, 16.-17.10.2008, London, UK
  150. Experiences of education in virtual worlds Designing for learning in Virtual Worlds seminar at Roskilde University, 13.10.2008, Roskilde, Denmark.
  151. Virtuaalipilkkimistä vai aktiivista osallistumista? Second Life opetuskäytössä (English title: Virtual napping or active participating? Education in Second Life) @ Pedagogisia verkkoja kokemassa -seminar, 9.–10.10.2008, Turku, Finland
  152. Avattaren kiitoa, mielen liitoa – Second Life oppimisympäristönä (English title: Flight of the avatar, flight of the mind – Second Life as a learning environment) @ Mobiili oppiminen ja simulaatiot ammatillisessa opetuksessa -seminaari ja työpaja, 30.9.2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland
  153. From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – Pathways to libraries of tomorrow University of Western Cape, 10.9.2008, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa
  154. Facebook me! – Online social networking as part of libraries’ web presence? Creating Knowledge V -conference, 20.-22.8.2008, Turku, Finland
  155. From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – perspectives of virtual libraries of tomorrow @ Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group, 16.7.2008, Wolverhampton, UK
  156. Educational possibilities of virtual worlds @ IT-Peda, eRappu, 30.5.2008, Turku, Finland
  157. Teaching and Learning in Second Life – TO03 workshop @ PedaForum 2008, 21.-22.5.2008, Turku, Finland
  158. Avatarit kirjastonhoitajina – kirjastot Second Lifessa (English title: Avatars as librarians – libraries in Second Life) @ Opiskelijakirjaston 150-vuotisjuhlaseminaari, 12.5.2008, Helsinki, Finland
  159. Gemensam kursblogg eller studerandens egna bloggar? – WordPress Mu som verktyg för läraren. (English title: Courseblog or individual studentblogs? – WordPress Mu as a tool for the teacher) @ VIII Miniconference on course development, organized by the Learning Center in Åbo, 25.4.2008, Turku, Finland
  160. Kirjasto 2.0:sta Kirjasto 3D:hen – näkökulmia tulevaisuuden virtuaalisiin kirjastoihin (English title: From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – perspectives of virtual libraries of the future) @ Kirjasto ON, BTJ Finland Oy, 23.4.2008, Helsinki, Finland
  161. Polkuja Internetin tulevaisuuteen – Second Life opetuskäytössä (English title: Paths to the future of Internet – using Second Life in education)@ Theme seminar: “Mediadiary, Second life and Facebook”, ITK 2008 conference, 18.4.2008 Hämeenlinna, Finland
  162. New dimension of training and education – the Second Life virtual world ITK 2008 conference, 17.4.2008 Hämeenlinna, Finland
  163. Opettaminen ja oppiminen Second Lifessa -työpaja (program). (English title: Training and education in the Second Life virtual world -workshop) @ ITK 2008 conference, 16.4.2008 Hämeenlinna, Finland
  164. Sähköisen kaupankäynnin opetusta virtuaalimaailma Second Lifessa (English title: Business education in the virtual world of Second Life) @Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education, 14.4.2008, Helsinki, Finland
  165. Second Life – en ny dimension i högre utbildning? -workshop (English title: Second Life – a new dimension in higher education? -workshop) @Emerging pieces in the education puzzle -conference, 8.-9.4.2008, Skellefteå, Sweden
  166. Bloggar i undervisning och inlärning -halv dags workshop (English title: Blogging in education -half day workshop) @ Social Media -lecture series, arranged by Centre for Continuing Education at Åbo Akademi University, 7.4.2008, Karjaa, Finland
  167. Virtuella världar i undervisningen -halv dags workshop (English title: Virtual worlds in education -half day workshop) @ Social Media -lecture series, arranged by Centre for Continuing Education at Åbo Akademi University, 7.4.2008, Karjaa, Finland
  168. Library 2.0 – a participatory future? -international seminar Organized by Library 2.0 – a new participatory context -research project at theDepartment of Information Studies at Åbo Akademi @ Library 2.0 – a new participatory context, 3.-4.4.2008, Turku, Finland
  169. Library 2.0 in Second LifeLibrary 2.0 – a participatory future? -international seminar, organized by Library 2.0 – a new participatory context -research project at the Department of Information Studies at Åbo Akademi, 3.-4.4.2008, Turku, Finland
  170. Library 2.0, a pre-seminar workshop Library 2.0 – a new participatory context –research project, 3.4.2008, Turku, Finland
  171. Virtuaalimaailma Second Life opetuksessa: haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia (English title: The virtual world of Second Life in education – challenges and opportunities) “An afternoon of Web-based learning” @ University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science, 1.4.2008, Helsinki, Finland
  172. Second Life -työpaja (English title: Second Life -workshop) @ CIP Worklab, 13.12.2007, Turku, Finland
  173. Kirjasto 2.0 (English title: Library 2.0) @ Turun Kaupunginkirjasto, 11.12.2007, Turku, Finland
  174. Bibliometriikka (BibExcel) ja webometriikka -luento ja harjoituksia (English title: Bibliometrics (BibExcel) and webometrics -lecture and exercises) 29.11.2007, Oulu, Finland
  175. Kirjasto 2.0 – Katsaus sosiaalisen median käyttöön kirjastoissa sekä Second Lifen tuomiin mahdollisuuksiin(English title: Library 2.0 – social media in libraries and the possibilities of Second Life virtual world) @ CIP Worklab -projektin loppuseminaari. 23.11.2007, Turku, Finland
  176. Second Life ja sen hyödyntäminen opetuksessa -työpaja (English title: Second Life in education -workshop) @ SMOOT – Sosiaalinen media opetuksen ja oppimisen tukena -projektin seminaari, 21.-22.11.2007, Kuopio, Finland
  177. Avatarit opiskelijoina: kokemuksia virtuaalimaailma Second Lifen käytöstä opetuksessa (English title: Avatars as students: experiences of using Second Life in education) SMOOT – Sosiaalinen media opetuksen ja oppimisen tukena -projektin seminaari, 21.-22.11.2007, Kuopio, Finland
  178. Web 2.0 kirjastomaailmassa -työpaja (English title: Library 2.0 workshop) arranged by CIP Worklab, 9.11.2007, Turku, Finland
  179. e-Learning virtuaalimaailma Second Lifessa – kokemuksia ja mahdollisuuksia (English title: e-Learning in Second Life – experiences and possibilities) @ Digital competence and learning – DCL conference 30.-31.10.2007 Hämeenlinna, Finland
  180. Web 2.0 pk-yritysten näkökulmasta – sosiaalisen median mahdollisuuksia (English title: Web 2.0 and small business – possibilities of social media) @ Verkkotieto/Verkkotiedonlähde” -seminar, 30.10.2007 Turku, Finland
  181. The Second Life of Library and Information Science Education: Learning Together Apart (poster) @ ASIS&T 2007 Annual Meeting, Joining Research and Practice: Social Computing and Information Science, 19.-24.10.2007 Milwaukee, WI, USA
  182. AoIR8 Learning and Research in Second Life Workshop Internet Research 8.0, 17.-20.10.2007 Vancouver, Canada
  183. Oppimisen kolmas ulottuvuus – Second Lifen mahdollisuudet virtuaaliopetuksessa (English title: The third dimension of learning – the possibilities of Second Life in distance education) @ Pedagogisia verkkoja kokemassa (program), 11.-12.10.2007 Turku, Finland
  184. Erfarenheter från Second Life – yhdessä oppiminen erillään (English title: Experiences from Second Life – Learning together apart) together with Isto Huvila, Nancy Pettersson and Maria Sundström @ Avoimien yliopistojen valtakunnalliset neuvottelupäivät, 4.-5.10.2007 Turku, Finland
  185. Education in Second Life. Presentation at VII Miniconference on course development, 4.5.2007, Turku, Finland.