Upcoming talks
Earlier keynote lectures
- Open Science and Changing Scholarly Communication (virtual keynote) at the National Conference on Horizon of Scholarly Communication in Shiraz, Iran, in May 9-10, 2018.
- Measuring researchers’ online visibility, Pre-workshop of the 22nd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy, 8.11.2017, Helsinki, Finland.
- Scholarly communication, bibliometrics and altmetrics, PREO International Research Conference, 15-16.9.2017, Angeles City, Philippines.
- Altmetrics – an introduction, virtual keynote at a conference (website in Persian) organized at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, on 11. November, 2015.
- From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – opportunities and challenges for future librarians, Online Information Conference 2010, 2.12.2010, London, UK.
- Pathways to virtual libraries of the future , Building bridges over tomorrow – Focus on teen users – international conference, 5.-6.2.2009, Hanasaari, Espoo, Finland
Earlier talks and organized workshops
- Altmetrics and societal impact. Research Impact Summit, 26.-27.10.2022. Online event: https://researchimpactsummit.com/program/.
- Metrics in the transition towards open science. Åbo Akademi Open Access week. 25.10.2022, Turku, Finland.
- Altmetrics and new forms of scholarly communication. 13th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities – Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 8.-9.12.2019, Berlin, Germany.
- Assessing Open Access advantages through relative visibility and relative receptivity. Together with Juha Hedman. 24th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometric and Research Policy 2019, 28.11.2019, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Vad vet Google, Facebook, Instagram och andra sociala medier om mig? Säkerhet i sociala medier. 21.11.2019, Kemiö, Finland.
- Altmetriikka ja avoin tiede. Informaatioalan akateemiset ry:n Kirjamessuseminaari 2019, 25.10.2019, Helsinki, Finland.
- New forms of scholarly communication and altmetrics. 4th CANTATA meeting – EU COST Action CA-15117, 10.10.2019, Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
- Google Search results as an altmetrics data source?. Together with Timothy D. Bowman. 17th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics conference, 2.-5.9.2019, Rome, Italy.
- Att vara säker och smart på webben. Regional State Administrative Agencies, 10.4.2019, Turku, Finland.
- Risker och möjligheter med sociala medie. All digital week, 26.3.2019, Mariehamn, Finland.
- Att vara säker på webben. 19.3.2019, Kimito, Finland.
- Att vara säker och smart på webben. Regional State Administrative Agencies, 12.2.2019, Vaasa, Finland.
- Att utvärdera forskning – från bibliometri till altmetri. 28.11.2018, Umeå, Sweden.
- MLE on Open Science. EC-BE Open Science conference, 21.11.2018, Brussels, Belgium.
- Att vara säker och smart på webben. Regional State Administrative Agencies, 23.10.2018, Helsinki, Finland.
- Altmetrics in research evaluation. Natural Resources Institute Finland, 4.10.2018, Turku, Finland.
- Open Science, Altmetrics and Rewards, at University of Camerino, 28.9.2018, Camerino, Italy.
- Holmberg, K. & Bowman, T.D. (2018). Collecting research data from Twitter’s public APIs: A comparison between the Search API and the Sample API, altmetrics18, 25.9.2018, London, UK.
- Interactive round table on Open Science and Research Metrics, Euroscience Open Forum in Toulouse, France, in July 9-14, 2018.
- Säker och smart på webben (English title: Being safe and smart online), 18.4.2018, Ekenäs, Finland.
- Changing Scholarly Communication and Altmetrics at the OECD Global Science Forum (GSF) – NESTI Workshop in Paris, France, in April 9, 2018.
- Säker och smart på webben (English title: Being safe and smart online), 23.11.2017, Loviisa, Finland.
- Säker och smart på webben (English title: Being safe and smart online), 16.12.2017, Ekenäs, Finland.
- Säker och smart på webben (English title: Being safe and smart online), 2.11.2017, Turku, Finland.
- Sinun digitaalinen jalanjälkesi – fiksusti verkossa (English title: Your digital footprint – being smart online, Digitaalisen oppimisen seminaari, 2.11.2017, Helsinki, Finland.
- Why do some research articles receive more online attention? Reasons for online success, 16th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics conference, 16-20.10.2017, Wuhan, China.
- Altmetrics – evidence of societal impact of science or just buzz? Forskningens genomslag utanför akademin, 22.5.2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Social media as a science communication too and altmetrics as an impact metric, Scientists in Social Media – What’s the point? -workshop organized by the Academy of Finland, 11.5.2017, Helsinki, Finland.
- Miten tutkimuksen laatu näkyy? -työpaja (together with Anu Nuutinen), Avoimuuden Pyöreä Pöytä, 10.5.2017, Helsinki, Finland.
- Altmetrics – What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Need to Know, Bibliometriikkaseminaari, December 16, 2016, Helsinki, Finland.
- Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2016). Altmetrics and universities’ research profiles. DISC conference, 8.-10. December, 2016, Daegu, South Korea. [Extended abstract]
- The disconnection between ranking of journals by usage and price. Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics, October 3, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Open Access advantage? An altmetric analysis of Finnish research publications. SIG-MET, October 14, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2016). Altmetrics and research profiles for 10 universities in Finland. 3AM conference, 28.-29. September, 2016, Bukarest, Romania. [Extended abstract]
- Altmetrics – a brief introduction, ERASMUS Staff exchange. June 8, 2016, Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Lyhyt johdatus altmetriikkaan, SYN webinaari. February 24, 2016.
- Holmberg, K. (2015). The different meanings and levels of impact of altmetrics. 11th WIS conference, 26.-28. November, 2015, Delhi, India.
- Project presentation, Avoimen tieteen foorumi, 11. November, 2015, Tampere, Finland.
- Holmberg, K. (2015). Tutkimuksesta käytäntöön. Miten yhteiskunnallisen arvioinnin mittareita tutkitaan? Tieteessä tapahtuu -foorumi:Mitä mittaat, sitä saat? Tutkimuksen yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttavuuden arvioimisesta, 20. October, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
- Altmetrics workshop, Bibliometriikkaseminaari, 16. October, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
- Holmberg, K. (2015). Measuring the societal impact of open science, Bibliometriikkaseminaari, 16. October, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
- Didegah, F., Bowman, T.D., & Holmberg, K. (2015). The need for more sophisticated altmetric indicators: A proposal for the categorization and development of aggregate indicators. altmetrics15 workshop, 9. October, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2015). The meaning of impact in altmetrics. altmetrics15 workshop, 9. October, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2015). Measuring the societal impact of open science. 2AM conference, 7.-8. October, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Birkholz, J., Seeber, M. & Holmberg, K. (2015). Drivers of higher education institutions’ visibility: a study of UK HEIs social media use vs. organizational characteristics. Talk delivered on 1 July, 2015, at the ISSI2015 conference.
- Holmberg, K. (2015). Online attention of universities in Finland: Are the bigger universities bigger online too? Talk delivered on 2 July, 2015, at the ISSI2015 conference.
- Holmberg, K. (2015). Aggregation by the level of impact in altmetrics Ignite talk delivered on 2 July, 2015, at the ISSI2015 conference.
- Altmetriikka ja avoimen tieteen vaikuttavuuden mittarit, ITYn kevätseminaari, 30.5.2015, Helsinki, Finland.
- Altmetriikka – tieteellisen toiminnan vaikuttavuuden vaihtoehtoiset indikaattorit, Avoin tiede – ylikirjastonhoitaja Päivi Kytömäen juhlaseminaari, 8.5.2015, Oulu, Finland. [Slides]
- Hur IKT förändrar skolan och undervisningen, Jakobstad, 19.3.2015
- @God please let me win the lottery tonite – Is God answering on Twitter? Helsinki, 22.1.2015
- Hur IT förändrar skolan, Tammerfors, 30.10.2014.
- Sociala medier i undervisning – Möjligheter och hotbilder, Jakobstad, 23.10.2014.
- Om visualisering av information, marknadsföring, sociala medier som viktiga kanaler, Tammerfors, 13.10.2014.
- Hur IKT förändrar skolan, Pargas, 11.10.2014.
- Sosiaalisen median lyhyt historia ja pitkä tulevaisuus, #Hashlaatko? seminaari, Turun kaupunginkirjasto, 24.9.2014. [video]
- Holmberg, K. (2014). Meaning of altmetrics, presentation at the 35th IATUL conference June 2-5, Espoo, Finland.
- Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2014). Analyzing the climate change debate on Twitter – content and differences between genders. To appear in the Proceedings of WebSci2014, 23-26 June, 2014, Bloomington, IN.
- Holmberg, K. (2014). The impact of retweeting. Altmetrics14 workshop at WebSci2014, 23-26 June, 2014, Bloomington, IN.
- Twitter and campaign spreading around the 5th IPCC report, presentation at the Social Media and the Transformation of Public Space -conference June 18-20, 2014, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2014). Combining network structures and meanings: Tweeting over the IPCC report. Sunbelt 2014 conference, 18-23 February, 2014 in St Petersburg, Florida, USA. [Slides]
- Conducting Twitter Research, an ASIS&T webinar in December 2013. [Slides]
- Holmberg, K. (2013). Discovering scholarly communication on Twitter. In the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) & 14 th Collnet meeting 2013, Tartu, Estonia.
- Holmberg, K. & Thelwall, M. (2013). Disciplinary Differences in Twitter Scholarly Communication. @ ISSI 2013, 15.-19.7.2013, Vienna, Austria.
- Invited talk about social media, 6.6.2013, Tampere, Finland.
- Holmberg, K. & Thelwall, M. (2013). Disciplinary Differences in Selected Scholars’ Twitter Transmissions. @ ASIS&T European Workshop, 5.6.2013, Turku, Finland.
- Invited talk: “Learning together apart: Online virtual worlds in education”, @ Fifth All-Russian Innovation Convention, at Skolkovo Hypercube, 18.12.2012, Moscow, Russia.
- Guest lecture about webometrics and informetrics, @ University of Oulu, 13.11.2012, Oulu, Finland.
- Sociala medier i marknadsföring, 8.11.2012, Mariehamn, Åland.
- Invited to attend a panel discussion “E-learning as a new philosophy of education”, @ Open Innovations. Moscow international forum for innovative development, 2.11.2012, Moscow, Russia.
- Guest lecture about social media, @ CLL/ÅA, 12.10.2012, Åbo, Finland.
- Intensive course on Information Literacy, Health Information and Social Media, 17-21.9.2012, @ University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
- What are they saying about us? Customer monitoring in social media, @ EDGE seminar, 4.5.2012, Helsinki, Finland.
- Sociala medier i marknadsföring -workshop, 12.4.2012, Mariehamn, Åland.
- E-kirja, sosiaalinen media ja kirjastot (English title: E-book, social media, and libraries), @ Talentum Events – Kirjastopalvelut, 28.3.2012, Helsinki, Finland.
- Holmberg, K. (2012). Online Information Ripples – A conceptual model for analyzing information dissemination patterns in social media.Proceedings of the 2nd DGI Conference: Social media & Web Science – The Web as a Living Space, March 22. – 23., 2012, Duesseldorf, Germany. [Pre-print]
- Sociala medier – möjligheter och hotbilder, @ Tehy, 17.3.2012, Helsingfors, Finland.
- Sosiaalisen median mahdollisuudet ja uhkakuvat (English title: Possibilities and threats of social media), @ Ikääntyvien yliopisto, 6.3.2012, Vaasa, Finland.
- Holmberg, K. (2011). Lessons learned from the birth and evolution of a virtual community for educators. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2011), workshop on Real Education in Virtual Worlds, November 28 – December 2, 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand. [Pre-print]
- Webometrics workshop, 24.11.2011, Lund, Sweden.
- Sociala medier: verktyg för undervisning och studier (English title: Social media: tools for teaching and learning), 8.11.2011, Helsinki, Finland.
- Sosiaalisen median mahdollisuuksia ja uhkakuvia (English title: Social media: Possibilities and threats), 7.11.2011, Kotka, Finland.
- Sosiaalisen median mahdollisuuksia ja uhkakuvia kirjastoissa (English title: Social media: Possibilities and threats for libraries), @ Sosiaalinen media ja kirjastot-seminaari, 22.9.2011, Mikkeli, Finland.
- Garnett, A., Holmberg, K., Pikas, C., Piwowar, H., Priem, J. & Weber, N. (2011). Shaken and Stirred: ASIS&T 2011 Attendee Reactions to Shaking It Up: Embracing New Methods for Publishing, Finding, Discussing and Measuring Our Research Output. ASIS&T Annual Meeting, 9.-12.10.2011, New Orleans, USA. [Refereed poster]
- Garnett, A., Holmberg, K., Pikas, C., Piwowar, H., Priem, J. & Weber, N. (2011). Shaking it up: Embracing New Methods for Publishing, Finding, Discussing and Measuring our Research Output. ASIS&T Annual Meeting, 9.-12.10.2011, New Orleans, USA. [Refereed panel]
- ISSOME2011, Information Science and Social Media – international conference, 24.-26.8.2011, Turku, Finland.
- E-kirjojen tulevaisuus ja sosiaalisen median mahdollisuudet (English title: Future of e-books and the possibilities of social media), @ HansaBook-seminaari, 23.8.2011, Helsinki, Finland.
- Discovering shared interests through co-outlinking in a municipal web space @ ISSI 2011 conference, 4.-8.7.2011, Durban, South Africa.
- Sosiaalinen media opetus-, nuoriso- ja kirjastotoimen henkilöstön työssä @ Luentosarja sosiaalisesta mediasta, 24.5.2011, Lapua, Finland.
- Kirjastot ja sosiaalinen media: Mitä? Miksi? Miten? (English title: Libraries and social media: What? Why? How?). @ Library Top Management Forum: Muuttuva Johtajuus ja Uudet Osaamistarpeet, 19.5.2011, Turku, Finland.
- Kirjastot ja sosiaalinen media – käynnissä olevat tutkimushankkeet (English title: Libraries and social media – ongoing research projects), together with Susanna Nykyri and Maria Kronqvist-berg @ ITYn kevätseminaari, 18.5.2011, Helsinki, Finland.
- Kurkistus Second Life -virtuaalimaailmaan (English title: A look at the virtual world of Second Life). @ Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu, 17.5.2011, Turku, Finland.
- Att vara “ung” på webben – Möjligheter och hotbilder i sociala medier (English title: To be “young” on the Web – Possibilities and threats in social media) @ Nordisk nätverkskonferens – Utvecklingsstörning och psykisk hälsa, 12.5.2011, Naantali, Finland.
- Sosiaalinen Media – Mitä? Miksi? Miten? (English title: Social media – What? Why? How?), @ eTiedon seminaari, 7.4.2011, Turku, Finland.
- Virtual worlds in education and in promoting good health, presentation for Hyvinvointiverkosto, 15.12.2010, Helsinki, Finland.
- Guest lecture about social network analysis and webometrics, @ University of Oulu, 14.12.2010, Oulu, Finland.
- Social media – opportunities and challenges, presentation @ Folkhälsan, 26.11.2010, Helsinki, Finland.
- Social media – opportunities and challenges for libraries, presentation @ Lappeenrannan maakuntakirjasto, 19.11.2010, Lappeenranta, Finland.
- Social media best practice, presentation @ the Union of Baltic Cities, 10.11.2010, Turku, Finland.
- Social media best practice x 3, (three guest presentations about social media), 27.10.2010, Vasa, Finland.
- Learning and research in Second Life -workshop, Internet Research 11.0 conference, 20.10.2010, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Prospects of learning in Second Life -conference, @ arranged by the Department of Information Studies, Åbo Akademi University, 14.-15.10.2010, Turku, Finland.
- Intensive course: Knowledge management, libraries and social media, 4.-8.10.2010, Windhoek, Namibia.
- Sociala medier i bibliotek (English title: Social media in libraries), 17.9.2010, Mariehamn, Finland.
- Smultronställen i sociala medier (English title: Social media best practice), 15.9.2010, Karis, Finland.
- Användningen av sociala medier i journalism (English title: The use of social media in journalism), @ Publicistförbundets Hangöseminarium, 20.8.2010, Hangö, Finland.
- Hyvinvoinnin edistämistä virtuaalisessa maailmassa (English title: Promoting well-being in a virtual world), @ Hyvinvointiverkoston kokous, 17.8.2010, Rovaniemi, Finland.
- Research workshop: Making Sense of Virtual Worlds and User Driven Innovation, 7.-9.6.2010, Magleaas, Denmark.
- From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – Opportunities and challenges for future librarians, Gaming and Web 2.0 – New challenges for librarians -seminar, 20.5.2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Va´då sociala medier? Korsholms vuxeninstitut, 10.5.2010, Korsholm, Finland.
- Framgångsrik strategi för sociala medier (English title: Successful strategies for social media), Folkhälsan, 28.4.2010, Helsinki, Finland.
- Library 2.0 symposium, Organized by Library 2.0 research group at Åbo Akademi, 15.-16.4.2010, Turku, Finland.
- Tulevaisuuden oppimisympäristöt (English title: Learning environments of the future). Kielitaituri hankkeen seminaari, 16.4.2010, Raisio, Finland.
- Sociala medier och virtuella världar: möjligheter och hotbilder (English title: Social media and virtual worlds: possibilities and threats).Svenska Kulturfondens Organisationskonferens, 12.3.2010, Tampere, Finland.
- Sosiaalinen media elinkeinopolitiikan toteuttamisessa (English title: Social media as part of economic development policies). Turku Region Development Centre, 9.3.2010, Turku, Finland.
- Vad är Bibliotek 2.0? En kvalitativ analys (English title: What is Library 2.0? A qualitative analysis). Informaatiolukutaito elinikäiseksi taidoksi-seminaari, 11.2.2010, Turku, Finland.
- Virtuaaliopetusta virtuaalisessa maailmassa (English title: Virtual education in a virtual world). Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu, Jobstep.netin kehittämisseminaari, 10.2.2010, Lahti, Finland.
- Public defence of my PhD titled: Webometric Network Analysis – Mapping Cooperation and Geopolitical Connections between Local Government Administration on the Web, 4.12.2009, Turku, Finland.
- Second Life -workshop @ University of Lapland, 30.10.2009, Rovaniemi, Finland.
- Second Life -workshop @ Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu, 29.10, 2009, Pori, Finland.
- Learning and Research in Second Life workshop -workshop Organized by Kim Holmberg, Isto Huvila and Terry Beaubois @ Internet Research 10.0 conference, 7.10.2009, Milwaukee, USA
- Sociala medier och biblioteket (slides), presentation for Åbo Akademi University Library, 30.9.2009, Turku, Finland
- Linking to a bilingual Web space @ Fifth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & Tenth COLLNET Meeting, 13.-16.9.2009, Dalian, China
- Bibliotek i Second Life – vad biblioteken gör i virtuella världar? @ Finlands svenska biblioteksförenings konferens, 10.-11.9.2009, Turku, Finland
- Bibliotek 2.0 – synlighet i online sociala nätverk (English title: Library 2.0 – visibility in online social networking sites) @ Finlands svenska biblioteksförenings konferens, 10.-11.9.2009, Turku, Finland
- Co-inlinking to a municipal Web space: A webometric and content analysis (full paper) @ ISSI conference, 14.-17.7.2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- The Nordic Landscape of LIS research: A Co-word Analysis of Research in Three Nordic Countries (poster) @ ISSI conference, 14.-17.7.2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Työtä vai huvia? Kirjallisuuden maailma Second Lifessa (English title: Work or entertainment? The world of literature in Second Life) 5.-6.6.2009, Kouvola, Finland
- Sosiaalinen media ja web 2.0 (English title: Social media and web 2.0) @ Raja- ja merivartiokoulu, 20.5.2009, Turku, Finland
- Workshop on social media 12.5.2009, Mariehamn, Finland
- Talk about learning in virtual worlds @ Huippuosaaminen ja innovaatiot- seminar organized by Skills Finland ry., 5.-7.5.2009, m/s Silja Symphony, Finland
- Kirjasto 2.0 – sosiaalinen media kirjastoissa (English title: Library 2.0 – social media in libraries) 24.4.2009, Kokkola, Finland
- Miten Second Lifessa voi oppia? (English title: How can you learn in Second Life?) @ ITK konferenssi, 23.4.2009, Hämeenlinna, Finland
- Oppiminen Second Lifessa -työpaja (English title: Learning in Second Life -workshop) @ ITK konferenssi, 22.4.2009, Hämeenlinna, Finland
- Social media in education -workshop, 7.3.2009, Karjaa, Finland
- Kirjasto 2.0 ja 3D – kirjastot sosiaalisissa verkostoissa ja virtuaalisissa maailmoissa (English title: Library 2.0 and 3D – libraries in social networking sites and virtual worlds) 5.3.2009, Hämeenlinna, Finland
- Pathways to virtual libraries of the future @ Turku City Library, 25.2.2009, Turku, Finland
- Library 2.0 workshop 20.2.2009, Pietarsaari, Finland
- Second Life workshop 2.12.2008, Leppävaara, Finland
- Oppiminen eri maailmoissa – Mitä Second Lifessa voi oppia? (English title: Learning in different worlds – What can you learn in Second Life?) @Valtakunnalliset virtuaaliopetuksen päivät 2008 – virittäjien ja virtuoosien kohtauspaikka, 25.-26.11.2008, Helsinki, Finland
- NORSLIS Ph.D. Conference 2008: Themes of LIS – research (no presentation nor talk, just participation) @ Royal School of Library and Information Science, 24.-25.11.2008, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Bibliotek 2.0 workshop (English title: Library 2.0 workshop), 21.11.2008, Turku, Finland
- Kirjasto 2.0:sta Kirjasto 3D:hen – Ajankohtaista kirjastoalan tutkimuksessa (English title: from Library 2.0 to Library 3D – Current research in LIS) 20.11.2008, Helsinki, Finland
- Kirjasto 2.0 ja 3D – kirjastot sosiaalisissa verkostoissa ja virtuaalisissa maailmoissa (English title: Library 2.0 and 3D – libraries in social networking sites and virtual worlds) 19.11.2008, Porvoo, Finland
- Second Life workshop 11.11.2008, Leppävaara, Finland
- Virtuaalimaailmojen lisäarvo koulutuksessa (English title: Added value of virtual worlds in training and education) @ Digital Competence and Learning conference, 4.-5.11.2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland.
- Sosiaalinen median yritysten näkökulmasta (English title: Social media from a business point of view) @ Yrityksen verkkotietoiskut 2008, 30.10.2008, Turku, Finland
- Social Capital in Second Life virtual world @ Internet Research 9.0: Rethinking Community, Rethinking Place, 15.-18.10.2008, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Session A202 – Challenges of Implementing 2.0 Technologies Library 2.0 research group, Department of Information Studies, Åbo Akademi @Internet Librarian International 2008, 16.-17.10.2008, London, UK
- Experiences of education in virtual worlds @ Designing for learning in Virtual Worlds seminar at Roskilde University, 13.10.2008, Roskilde, Denmark.
- Virtuaalipilkkimistä vai aktiivista osallistumista? Second Life opetuskäytössä (English title: Virtual napping or active participating? Education in Second Life) @ Pedagogisia verkkoja kokemassa -seminar, 9.–10.10.2008, Turku, Finland
- Avattaren kiitoa, mielen liitoa – Second Life oppimisympäristönä (English title: Flight of the avatar, flight of the mind – Second Life as a learning environment) @ Mobiili oppiminen ja simulaatiot ammatillisessa opetuksessa -seminaari ja työpaja, 30.9.2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland
- From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – Pathways to libraries of tomorrow @ University of Western Cape, 10.9.2008, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa
- Facebook me! – Online social networking as part of libraries’ web presence? @ Creating Knowledge V -conference, 20.-22.8.2008, Turku, Finland
- From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – perspectives of virtual libraries of tomorrow @ Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group, 16.7.2008, Wolverhampton, UK
- Educational possibilities of virtual worlds @ IT-Peda, eRappu, 30.5.2008, Turku, Finland
- Teaching and Learning in Second Life – TO03 workshop @ PedaForum 2008, 21.-22.5.2008, Turku, Finland
- Avatarit kirjastonhoitajina – kirjastot Second Lifessa (English title: Avatars as librarians – libraries in Second Life) @ Opiskelijakirjaston 150-vuotisjuhlaseminaari, 12.5.2008, Helsinki, Finland
- Gemensam kursblogg eller studerandens egna bloggar? – WordPress Mu som verktyg för läraren. (English title: Courseblog or individual studentblogs? – WordPress Mu as a tool for the teacher) @ VIII Miniconference on course development, organized by the Learning Center in Åbo, 25.4.2008, Turku, Finland
- Kirjasto 2.0:sta Kirjasto 3D:hen – näkökulmia tulevaisuuden virtuaalisiin kirjastoihin (English title: From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – perspectives of virtual libraries of the future) @ Kirjasto ON, BTJ Finland Oy, 23.4.2008, Helsinki, Finland
- Polkuja Internetin tulevaisuuteen – Second Life opetuskäytössä (English title: Paths to the future of Internet – using Second Life in education)@ Theme seminar: “Mediadiary, Second life and Facebook”, ITK 2008 conference, 18.4.2008 Hämeenlinna, Finland
- New dimension of training and education – the Second Life virtual world @ ITK 2008 conference, 17.4.2008 Hämeenlinna, Finland
- Opettaminen ja oppiminen Second Lifessa -työpaja (program). (English title: Training and education in the Second Life virtual world -workshop) @ ITK 2008 conference, 16.4.2008 Hämeenlinna, Finland
- Sähköisen kaupankäynnin opetusta virtuaalimaailma Second Lifessa (English title: Business education in the virtual world of Second Life) @Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education, 14.4.2008, Helsinki, Finland
- Second Life – en ny dimension i högre utbildning? -workshop (English title: Second Life – a new dimension in higher education? -workshop) @Emerging pieces in the education puzzle -conference, 8.-9.4.2008, Skellefteå, Sweden
- Bloggar i undervisning och inlärning -halv dags workshop (English title: Blogging in education -half day workshop) @ Social Media -lecture series, arranged by Centre for Continuing Education at Åbo Akademi University, 7.4.2008, Karjaa, Finland
- Virtuella världar i undervisningen -halv dags workshop (English title: Virtual worlds in education -half day workshop) @ Social Media -lecture series, arranged by Centre for Continuing Education at Åbo Akademi University, 7.4.2008, Karjaa, Finland
- Library 2.0 – a participatory future? -international seminar Organized by Library 2.0 – a new participatory context -research project at theDepartment of Information Studies at Åbo Akademi @ Library 2.0 – a new participatory context, 3.-4.4.2008, Turku, Finland
- Library 2.0 in Second Life@ Library 2.0 – a participatory future? -international seminar, organized by Library 2.0 – a new participatory context -research project at the Department of Information Studies at Åbo Akademi, 3.-4.4.2008, Turku, Finland
- Library 2.0, a pre-seminar workshop @ Library 2.0 – a new participatory context –research project, 3.4.2008, Turku, Finland
- Virtuaalimaailma Second Life opetuksessa: haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia (English title: The virtual world of Second Life in education – challenges and opportunities) “An afternoon of Web-based learning” @ University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science, 1.4.2008, Helsinki, Finland
- Second Life -työpaja (English title: Second Life -workshop) @ CIP Worklab, 13.12.2007, Turku, Finland
- Kirjasto 2.0 (English title: Library 2.0) @ Turun Kaupunginkirjasto, 11.12.2007, Turku, Finland
- Bibliometriikka (BibExcel) ja webometriikka -luento ja harjoituksia (English title: Bibliometrics (BibExcel) and webometrics -lecture and exercises) 29.11.2007, Oulu, Finland
- Kirjasto 2.0 – Katsaus sosiaalisen median käyttöön kirjastoissa sekä Second Lifen tuomiin mahdollisuuksiin. (English title: Library 2.0 – social media in libraries and the possibilities of Second Life virtual world) @ CIP Worklab -projektin loppuseminaari. 23.11.2007, Turku, Finland
- Second Life ja sen hyödyntäminen opetuksessa -työpaja (English title: Second Life in education -workshop) @ SMOOT – Sosiaalinen media opetuksen ja oppimisen tukena -projektin seminaari, 21.-22.11.2007, Kuopio, Finland
- Avatarit opiskelijoina: kokemuksia virtuaalimaailma Second Lifen käytöstä opetuksessa (English title: Avatars as students: experiences of using Second Life in education) @ SMOOT – Sosiaalinen media opetuksen ja oppimisen tukena -projektin seminaari, 21.-22.11.2007, Kuopio, Finland
- Web 2.0 kirjastomaailmassa -työpaja (English title: Library 2.0 workshop) arranged by CIP Worklab, 9.11.2007, Turku, Finland
- e-Learning virtuaalimaailma Second Lifessa – kokemuksia ja mahdollisuuksia (English title: e-Learning in Second Life – experiences and possibilities) @ Digital competence and learning – DCL conference 30.-31.10.2007 Hämeenlinna, Finland
- Web 2.0 pk-yritysten näkökulmasta – sosiaalisen median mahdollisuuksia (English title: Web 2.0 and small business – possibilities of social media) @ Verkkotieto/Verkkotiedonlähde” -seminar, 30.10.2007 Turku, Finland
- The Second Life of Library and Information Science Education: Learning Together Apart (poster) @ ASIS&T 2007 Annual Meeting, Joining Research and Practice: Social Computing and Information Science, 19.-24.10.2007 Milwaukee, WI, USA
- AoIR8 Learning and Research in Second Life Workshop @ Internet Research 8.0, 17.-20.10.2007 Vancouver, Canada
- Oppimisen kolmas ulottuvuus – Second Lifen mahdollisuudet virtuaaliopetuksessa (English title: The third dimension of learning – the possibilities of Second Life in distance education) @ Pedagogisia verkkoja kokemassa (program), 11.-12.10.2007 Turku, Finland
- Erfarenheter från Second Life – yhdessä oppiminen erillään (English title: Experiences from Second Life – Learning together apart) together with Isto Huvila, Nancy Pettersson and Maria Sundström @ Avoimien yliopistojen valtakunnalliset neuvottelupäivät, 4.-5.10.2007 Turku, Finland
- Education in Second Life. Presentation at VII Miniconference on course development, 4.5.2007, Turku, Finland.