
My Orcid profile:

A. Peer reviewed scientific articles

Journal articles

  1. Maleki, A., & Holmberg, K. (2022). Comparing coverage of policy citations to scientific publications in Overton and Case study of Finnish research organizations in Social Science. Informaatiotutkimus, 41(2–3), 92-96. DOI:
  2. Holmberg, K., Hedman, J., Bowman, T.D., Didegah, F., & Laakso, M. (2020). Do articles in open access journals have more frequent altmetrics activity than articles in subscription-based journals? An investigation of the research output of Finnish universities. Scientometrics, vol. 122, pp. 645-659. DOI : 10.1007/s11192-019-03301-x.
  3. Holmberg, K., Bowman, S., Bowman, T.D., Didegah, F., & Kortelainen, T. (2019). What is societal impact and where do altmetrics for into the question? Journal of Altmetrics, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 6. DOI:
  4. Holmberg, K., Bowman, T., Didegah, F., & Lehtimäki, J. (2019). The relationship between institutional factors, citation and altmetrics counts of publications from Finnish universities. Journal of Altmetrics, 2(1) p. 5. DOI: 10.29024/joa.20.
  5. Holmberg, K. & Park, H.W. (2018). An altmetric investigation of the online visibility of South Korea-based scientific journalsScientometrics (online first). DOI: 10.1007/s11192-018-2874-8.
  6. Holmberg, K. & Vainio, J. (2018). Why do some research articles receive more online attention and higher altmetrics? Reasons for online success according to the authors. Scientometrics, vol. 116, no. 1, pp. 435-447. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-018-2710-1.
  7. Didegah, F., Bowman, T.D., & Holmberg, K. (2018). On the differences between citations and altmetrics: An investigation of factors driving altmetrics vs. citations for Finnish articlesJournal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 832-843. DOI: 10.1002/asi.23934.
  8. Vainio, J. & Holmberg, K. (2017). Highly tweeted science articles – who tweets them? An analysis of Twitter user profile descriptions. Scientometrics, vol. 112, no. 1, pp. 345-366. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-017-2368-0
  9. Vainio, J. & Holmberg, K. (2017). Tieteellisten julkaisujen verkkohuomio – “pintahörinää” vai vaikuttavuutta? Tiedepolitiikka, vol. 2.
  10. Didegah, F., Gazni, A., Bowman, T.D., & Holmberg, K. (2017). Internationality in Finnish Research: An Examination of Collaborators, Citers, Tweeters, and ReadersInformation Research, vol. 22, no. 1, March 2017.
  11. Holmberg, K., Bastubacka, J. & Thelwall, M. (2016). “@God please open your fridge!” – A content analysis of Twitter messages to @God: Hopes, humor, spirituality, and profanitiesThe Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, vol. 5, no. 2.
  12. Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2016). Twitter Campaigns Around the Fifth IPCC Report: Campaign Spreading, Shared Hashtags, and Separate CommunitiesSAGE open, July-September 2016: 1–7. DOI: 10.1177/2158244016659117.
  13. Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2016). Integrating and differentiating meanings in tweeting about the fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reportFirst Monday, vol. 21, no. 9. DOI:
  14. Eriksson-Backa, K., Holmberg, K., & Ek, S. (2016). Communicating diabetes and diets on Twitter – a semantic content analysis. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, vol. 16, no. 1. DOI: 10.1504/IJNVO.2016.075133.
  15. Holmberg, K., Didegah, F., Bowman, T., Bowman, S. & Kortelainen, T. (2015). Measuring the societal impact of open science – presentation of a research projectInformaatiotutkimus, vol. 34, no. 4.
  16. Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2015). Gender differences in the climate change debate on Twitter. Internet Research, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 811-828. Permanent link:
  17. Haustein, S., Bowman, T.D., Holmberg, K., Tsou, A., Sugimoto, C.R. & Lariviére, V. (2015). Tweets as impact indicators: Examining the implications of automated “bot” accounts on Twitter. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1002/asi.23456.
    1. Haustein, S., Bowman, T.D., Holmberg, K., Tsou, A., Sugimoto, C.R. & Lariviére, V. (2015). Tweets as impact indicators: Examining the implications of automated “bot” accounts on Twitter. arXiv. Preprint available at:
  18. Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., Haustein, S., & Peters, I. (2014). Astrophysicists’ Conversational Connections on Twitter. PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 8: e106086. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0106086. Available at:
  19. Haustein, S., Bowman, T.D., Holmberg, K., Larivière, V., & Peters, I. (2014). Astrophysicists on Twitter: An in-depth analysis of tweeting and scientific publication behavior. Aslib Journal of Information Management, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 279-296. DOI:10.1108/AJIM-09-2013-0081. Available at:
  20. Pearce, W., Holmberg, K., Hellsten, I. & Nerlich, B. (2014). Climate change on Twitter: topics, communities and conversations about the 2013 IPCC report. PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 4: e94785. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0094785. Available at:
  21. Holmberg, K. & Thelwall, M. (2014). Disciplinary differences in Twitter scholarly communicationScientometrics, vol. 101, no. 2, pp. 1027-1042. DOI:10.1007/s11192-014-1229-3.
  22. Thelwall, M., Tsou, A., Weingart, S., Holmberg, K. & Haustein, S. (2013). Tweeting links to academic articles. Cybermetrics, vol. 17, issue 1, paper 1. Available at
  23. Holmberg, K., Tsou, A. & Sugimoto, C.R. (2013). The conceptual landscape of iSchools: Examining current research interests of faculty members. Information Research, vol. 18, no. 3. Available at (paper was presented at Colis 2013 conference and is also available in the proceedings of the conference).
  24. Huvila, I., Holmberg, K. Kronqvist-Berg, M., Nivakoski, O. & Widén, G. (2013). What is Librarian 2.0 – New competencies or interactive relations? A library professional viewpointJournal of Librarianship & Information Science, vol. 45, no. 3, DOI:10.1177/0961000613477122.
  25. Holmberg, K. (2012). Lessons learned from the birth and evolution of a virtual community for educatorsKnowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL), vol. 4, no. 1 (Invited paper based on paper presented at the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2011)).
  26. Holmberg, K. (2011). Linking to a bilingual Web spaceCOLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, vol. 5, no. 1.
  27. Huvila, I., Holmberg, K., Ek, S. & Widén-Wulff, G. (2010). Social capital in Second Life. Online Information Review, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 295-316, DOI:10.1108/14684521011037007.
  28. Holmberg, K. (2010). Co-inlinking to a municipal Web space: A webometric and content analysisScientometrics, vol. 83, pp. 851-862 (ISSI 2009 conference special issue), DOI:10.1007/s11192-009-0148-1.
  29. Holmberg, K., Huvila, I., Kronqvist-Berg, M. & Widén-Wulff, G. (2009). What is Library 2.0?Journal of Documentation, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 668-681, DOI:10.1108/00220410910970294.
  30. Holmberg, K. & Thelwall, M. (2009). Local government web sites in Finland: A geographic and webometric analysisScientometrics, vol. 79, no. 1 (ISSI 2007 conference special issue), DOI:10.1007/s11192-009-0410-6.
  31. Holmberg, K. & Huvila, I. (2008). Learning together apart: Distance education in a virtual world. First Monday, vol. 13, no. 10, 6 October 2008. Available at

Conference articles

  1. Maleki, A., Holmberg, K. (2023). Do original tweets and retweets differ in indicating research impact across various subject areas in multidisciplinary papers published in PLoS? In Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, STI2023. Leiden, The Netherlands.
  2. Maleki, A., Holmberg, K. (2023). Do the Differences of Original Tweets and Retweets Linking to Scientific Publications Suggest Advertisement Impact of Tweets? In Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI2023. Bloomington (IN), USA.
  3. Maleki, A., & Holmberg, K. (2022). Meta-analysis of studies on Twitter users disseminating scholarly publications. In N. Robinson-Garcia, D. Torres-Salinas, & W. Arroyo-Machado (Eds.), 26th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, STI 2022.
  4. Maleki, A. & Holmberg, K. (2022). Comparing coverage of Policy Citation to Publications in Overton and case study of Finnish Universities in Social Science fields. Information studies days, 3.-4.11.2022, Tampere, Finland.
  5. Holmberg, K. & Bowman, T.D. (2019). Google Search results as an altmetrics data source? In the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, 2-5 September, 2019, Rome, Italy.
  6. Holmberg, K. & Vainio, J. (2017). Why do some research articles receive more online attention? Reasons for online success as measured with altmetrics. In the Proceedings of the 16th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, 16-20 October, 2017, Wuhan, China.
  7. Didegah, F., Gazni, A., Bowman, T.D., & Holmberg, K. (2016). Internationality in Finnish Research: An Examination of Collaborators, Citers, Tweeters, and Readers. CoLIS conference, 27-29 June, Uppsala, Sweden.
  8. Didegah, F., Bowman, T.D., & Holmberg, K. (2016). Increasing our understanding of altmetrics: Identifying factors that are driving both citation and altmetric counts. iConference, 2016, Philadephia, USA, 20-23 March.
  9. Holmberg, K. (2015). The different meanings and levels of impact of altmetrics. In the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) and the 16th COLLNET Meeting, 26-28 November, 2015, Delhi, India.
  10. Holmberg, K. (2015). Classifying altmetrics by level of impact. In Salah, A.A., Tonta, Y., Salah, A.A.A., Sugimoto, C., & Al, U. Proceedings of the 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
  11. Holmberg, K. (2015). Online attention of universities in Finland: Are the bigger universities bigger online too? In Salah, A.A., Tonta, Y., Salah, A.A.A., Sugimoto, C., & Al, U. Proceedings of the 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
  12. Birkholz, J., Seeber, M., & Holmberg, K. (2015). Drivers of higher education institutions’ visibility: a study of UK HEIs social media use vs. organizational characteristics. In Salah, A.A., Tonta, Y., Salah, A.A.A., Sugimoto, C., & Al, U. Proceedings of the 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
  13. Holmberg, K., Eriksson-Backa, K., & Ek, S. (2014). Tweeting about Diabetes and Diets – Content and Conversational Connections. In: Saranto, K, Castrén, M, Kuusela, T, Hyrynsalmi, S & Ojala, S (eds.) Safe and secure Cities. 5th International Conference on Well-Being in the Information Society, WIS 2014, Turku, Finland, August 18-20, 2014, Proceedings. Cham: Springer, 2014 (Communications in Computer and Information Science 450). Pp. 46-56.
  14. Holmberg, K. (2014). Meaning of altmetrics. In the Proceedings of the 35th IATUL conference, June 2-5, Espoo, Finland.
  15. Holmberg, K., Ketonen, T. & Brännback, M. (2013). Making Sense of Converging Media. In the Proceedings of Academic Mindtrek, October 1-4, Tampere, Finland.
  16. Holmberg, K. (2013). Discovering scholarly communication on Twitter. In the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) & 14 th Collnet meeting 2013, Tartu, Estonia.
  17. Holmberg, K. & Thelwall, M. (2013). Disciplinary Differences in Selected Scholars’ Twitter Transmissions. In the Proceedings of the ASIS&T European Workshop 2013, Turku, Finland. Proceedings available at
  18. Holmberg, K. & Thelwall, M. (2013). Disciplinary differences in Twitter scholarly communication. In the Proceedings of 14th International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics conference, 2013, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings available at
  19. Holmberg, K. (2012). Online Information Ripples – A Conceptual Model for Analyzing Information Dissemination Patterns in Social Media. In theProceedings of the 64. DGI Annual Meeting and 2nd DGI-Conference: Social Media and Web Science – The Web as a living thing. 22.-23. March, 2012, Düsseldorf, Germany.
  20. Holmberg, K. (2011). Lessons learned from the birth and evolution of a virtual community for educators. In the Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2011), Workshop on Real Education in Virtual Worlds, November 28 – December 2, 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  21. Holmberg, K. (2011). Discovering shared interests through co-outlinking in a municipal web space. In the Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics conference, 2011. Durban, Republic of South Africa.
  22. Holmberg, K. (2010). From Library 2.0 to Library 3D – Opportunities and challenges for future libraries. In Turner, C. (Ed.) Proceedings of Online Information 2010 Conference, November 30 – December 2, 2010, London, UK.
  23. Holmberg, K. (2009). Linking to a bilingual Web space. In the Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & Tenth COLLNET Meeting. 2009. Dalian, China.
  24. Holmberg, K. (2009). Co-inlinking to a municipal Web space: A webometric and content analysis. In the Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics conference, 2009. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  25. Holmberg, K. & Thelwall, M. (2007). Local government web sites in Finland: A geographic and webometric analysis. In the Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics conference. 2007. Madrid, Spain.

Book chapters

  1. Fraumann, G., D’Souza, J. & Holmberg, K. (2020). Eigenfactor. In Ball, R. (Ed.) Handbook Bibliometrics. DOI:
  2. Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2016). Organizational communication on Twitter: Differences between non-profit and for-profit organizations in the context of climate change. In Schmidt, C.M. (Ed.) Crossmedia-Kommunikation in kulturbedingten Handlungsräumen, pp. 305-313. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-11076-5_16
  3. Holmberg, K. (2015). Da bibliometria á altmetria. In Tarapanoff, K. (Ed.) Análise da informação. Editora Intersaberes.
  4. Holmberg, K., Haustein, S. & Beucke, D. (2015). Social Media Metrics as Indicators of Repository Impact. In Callicott, B.B., Scherer, D. & Wesolek, A. (Eds.) Making Institutional Repositories Work. Purdue University Press.
  5. Holmberg, K. (2013). Predicting the future of e-books in Finland. In DeFillippi, R. & Wikström, P. (Eds.) Business Innovation and Disruption in the Book Publishing Industry. Mediaxxi.
  6. Widén-Wulff, G., Huvila, I. & Holmberg, K. (2008). A New Participatory Context in Library 2.0 (chapter IV). In: Pagani, M. (editor) Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, Second Edition, Information Science Reference. ISBN: 978-1-60566-014-1.

Other peer reviewed conference panels, posters and abstracts

  1. Maleki, A., Holmberg, K. (2023). An Investigation of Policy Citations to Nordic Scientific Publication. Nordic Workshop in Bibliometrics and Research Policy 2023 (NWB2023), Gothenburg, Sweden. [Abstract]
  2. Maleki, A. & Holmberg, K. (2022). Comparison between tweeting and retweeting in the context of altmetrics. 27th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy, 21.-23.9.2022, Turku, Finland. [Abstract]
  3. Maleki, A. & Holmberg, K. (2022). Meta-analysis of studies on Twitter users disseminating scholarly publications. STI Conference, 7.-9.9.2022, Granada, Spain. [Poster]
  4. Holmberg, K., & Hedman, J. (2019). Assessing Open Access advantages through relative visibility and relative receptivity. 24th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy, 28.11.2019, Reykjavik, Iceland. [Abstract]
  5. Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2016). Altmetrics and universities’ research profiles. DISC conference, 8.-10. December, 2016, Daegu, South Korea. [Extended abstract]
  6. Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2016). Altmetrics and research profiles for 10 universities in Finland. 3AM conference, 28.-29. September, 2016, Bukarest, Romania. [Extended abstract]
  7. Didegah, F., Bowman, T.D., & Holmberg, K. (2015). The need for more sophisticated altmetric indicators: A proposal for the categorization and development of aggregate indicators. altmetrics15 workshop, 9. October, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. [Extended abstract]
  8. Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2015). The meaning of impact in altmetrics. altmetrics15 workshop, 9. October, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. [Extended abstract]
  9. Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D., & Didegah, F. (2015). Measuring the societal impact of open science. 2AM conference, 7.-8. October, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. [Extended abstract].
  10. Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2014). Organizational communication on Twitter – Differences between non-profit and for-profit organizations in the context of climate change. EUCO conference, October 23-25, 2014, Turku, Finland. [Extended abstract]
  11. Haustein, S., Holmberg, K., Bowman, T.D. & Larivière, V. (2014). Automated arXiv feeds on Twitter: On the role of bots in scholarly communication. The 19th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy, September 25-26, 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland. [Extended abstract]
  12. Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2014).Twitter and campaign spreading around the 5th IPCC report. To appear in the Proceedings of the Social Media and the Transformation of Public Space -conference, June 18-20, 2014, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. [Extended abstract]
  13. Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. (2014). Analyzing the climate change debate on Twitter – content and differences between genders. To appear in the Proceedings of WebSci2014, 23-26 June, 2014, Bloomington, IN. [Refereed poster/extended abstract]
  14. Holmberg, K. (2014). The impact of retweeting. Altmetrics14 workshop at WebSci2014, 23-26 June, 2014, Bloomington, IN. [Extended abstract]
  15. Hellsten, I. & Holmberg, K. (2014). Combining network structures and meanings: Tweeting over IPCC report. Sunbelt conference, 18-23 February, 2014, St Petersburg, Florida, USA. [Extended abstract]
  16. Peters, I., Bowman, T.D., Haustein, S., & Holmberg, K. (2013). #twinkletweet: Hashtag use of astrophysicists on Twitter. ASIS&T Metrics 2013 workshop, Montreal, Canada. [Refereed extended abstract]
  17. Haustein, S., Bowman, T.D., Holmberg, K., Larivière, V., Peters, I., Sugimoto, C.R. & Thelwall, M. (2013). Empirical analyses of scientific papers and researchers on Twitter: Results of two studies. PLOS ALM Workshop 2013. [Refereed extended abstract]
  18. Garnett, A., Holmberg, K., Pikas, C., Piwowar, H., Priem, J. & Weber, N. (2011). Shaking it up: Embracing New Methods for Publishing, Finding, Discussing and Measuring our Research Output. ASIS&T Annual Meeting, 9.-12.10.2011, New Orleans, USA. [Refereed panel]
  19. Garnett, A., Holmberg, K., Pikas, C., Piwowar, H., Priem, J. & Weber, N. (2011). Shaken and Stirred: ASIS&T 2011 Attendee Reactions to Shaking It Up: Embracing New Methods for Publishing, Finding, Discussing and Measuring Our Research Output. ASIS&T Annual Meeting, 9.-12.10.2011, New Orleans, USA. [Refereed poster]
  20. Holmberg, K. & Hellqvist, B. (2009). The Nordic Landscape of LIS research: A Co-word Analysis of Research in Three Nordic Countries. In theProceedings of the 12th International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics conference, 2009. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [Refereed poster]
  21. Widén-Wulff, G., Huvila, I., Holmberg, K., Kronqvist-Berg, M. & Nivakoski, O. (2008). Challenges of Implementing 2.0 Technologies. Internet Librarian International 2008, 16.-17.10.2008, London, UK. [Refereed abstract]
  22. Holmberg, K. (2008). Facebook me! – Online social networking as part of libraries’ web presence? Creating Knowledge V -conference. 20.-22.8.2008, Turku, Finland. [Refereed abstract]
  23. Huvila, I. & Holmberg, K. (2008). New dimension of training and education – the Second Life virtual world. ITK 2008 conference, 17.4.2008 Hämeenlinna, Finland. [Refereed abstract]
  24. Huvila, I. & Holmberg, K. (2008). Social Capital in the virtual world of Second Life. Internet Research 9.0: Rethinking Community, Rethinking Place. 16.-18.10.2008, Copenhagen, Denmark. [Refereed abstract]
  25. Holmberg, K & Huvila, I. (2007). The Second Life of library and information science education: learning together apart. ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, WI, USA. [Refereed poster]

B. Non peer reviewed scientific articles

Journal articles

  1. Peltola, H., Harviainen, J.T., & Holmberg, K. (2021). Suomalaisen verkkomedian tiedeuutisten lähteet. Tieteessä tapahtuu, vol. 39, no. 5. Available online at
  2. Holmberg, Kim (2011). Den första ISSOME-konferensen. Informaatiotutkimus, vol. 30, no. 3-4. Available online at
  3. Holmberg, Kim (2010). Webometrisk nätverksanalys (väitösluento). Informaatiotutkimus, vol. 29, no. 1. Available online at

Book chapters

  1. Widén, G. & Holmberg, K. (2012), Preface, in Widén, G. & Holmberg, K. (Eds.) Social Information Research (Library and Information Science, Volume 5), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.xv. DOI: 10.1108/S1876-0562(2012)0000005002.
  2. Holmberg, K. (2010). Web Impact Factors – A significant contribution to webometric research. In: Larsen, B., Schneider, J.W. & Åström, F. (Eds.).The Janus Faced Scholar – A Festschrift in Honour of Peter Ingwersen, pp. 127-134. Available online at
  3. Huvila, I. & Holmberg, K. (2008). Kirjastot virtuaalimaailmassa. In: Holma, A. & Punelpuro, N. (Eds.). Mahdollisuuksien ikkunoita, Turun ammattikorkeakoulun oppimateriaaleja 40, pp. 236-257.

Other conference panels, posters and abstracts

  1. Holmberg, K. (2010). Virtual Information Spaces. Research workshop: Making Sense of Virtual Worlds and User Driven Innovation, 7.-9.6.2010, Magleaas, Denmark. [Poster]
  2. Holmberg, K. (2008). Libraries in Second Life. Library 2.0 – a participatory future? -international symposium, 3.-4.4.2008, Turku, Finland. [Abstract].
  3. Holmberg, K. (2006). Hyperlink networks and linking behavior in Finland. 11th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy, 28.-29.9.2006, Oslo, Norway. [Workshop paper]
  4. Holmberg, K. (2006). Web links as an information source: use of links in municipal websites in the region of Finland Proper and their usefulness for mapping cooperation and networks. NORSLIS Road show: Studying the web and its use, 30.-31.3.2006 Tallinn, Estonia. [Workshop paper]

C. Scientific books

  1. Holmberg, K. (2015). Altmetrics for Information Professionals – Past, Present and Future. Chandos Publishing.
  2. Widén, G. & Holmberg, K. (Eds.) (2012). Social Information Research. Library and Information Science Series, vol. 5. Emerald.
  3. Huvila, I., Holmberg, K. & Kronqvist-Berg, M. (Eds.) (2011). Information Science and Social Media. Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Science and Social Media ISSOME2011, August 24-26. Åbo/Turku, Finland. Available at ISSN 2242-0495.
  4. Holmberg, K. (2009). Webometric Network Analysis – mapping cooperation and geopolitical connections between local government administration on the Web. Dissertation. Åbo: Åbo Akademi UP, 2009. (Available online at 

D. Publications for the professional community

Research reports

  1. Kivistö, J., Kohtamäki, V., Lilja, E., Lyytinen, A., Tirronen, J., Holmberg, K., & Teräsahde, S. (2022). Strategisen tutkimuksen rahoitusinstrumentin arviointi (English title: Evaluation of the Strategic Research Council’s Funding Instrument). Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja / Publications of the Government´s analysis, assessment and research activities 2022:60.
  2. Holmberg, K. (2017). How to use altmetrics in the context of Open Science. Policy Support Facility (PSF), Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) on Open Science: Altmetrics and Rewards, European Commission, 2017.
  3. Holmberg, K. (2017). Different types of Altmetrics. Policy Support Facility (PSF), Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) on Open Science: Altmetrics and Rewards, European Commission, 2017.


  1. Holmberg, K., Huvila, I., Kronqvist-Berg, M., Nivakoski, O. & Widén-Wulff, G. (2009). Bibliotek 2.0: Deltagarkultur i förändring. BTJ Finland, 2009. In Swedish. (English title: Library 2.0: Changing culture of participation).
  2. Holmberg, K., Huvila, I., Kronqvist-Berg, M., Nivakoski, O. & Widén-Wulff, G. (2009). Kirjasto 2.0: Muuttuvan osallistumisen kulttuuri. BTJ Finland, 2009. In Finnish. (English title: Library 2.0: Changing culture of participation).

Domestic publications

  1. Holmberg, K. (2011). Från Informationssamhälle till Rekommendationssamhälle. Ikaros, vol. 8, no. 2 [article about the shift from an information society to recommendation society].
  2. Holmberg, K. (2011). Virtuaalimaailmat tulossa jo nurkan takana. SeOPPI, vol. 1, 2011 [article about education in virtual worlds].
  3. Holmberg, K. (2009). Virtuell kommunikation och 3D-världar. Kielijelppi, 2009 [article about virtual communication and 3D virtual worlds].
  4. Holmberg, K. (2009). Maata näkyvissä! Suomalaiset oppilaitokset virtuaalista maata valloittamassa. Näkökulma – Suomen Virtuaaliyliopiston julkaisu, syyskuu 2009 [article about Finnish organisations in the virtual world of Second Life].
  5. Holmberg, K. (2009). Land i sikte! Finländska organisationer erövrar mark i den virtuella världen Second Life. Synvinklar – Tidskriften för Finlands Virtuella Universitet, september 2009 [article about Finnish organisations in the virtual world of Second Life].
  6. Holmberg, K. (2009). EduFinland – Suomalaiset oppilaitokset Second Lifessa. SeOPPI, vol. 1, 2009 [article about Finnish schools and universities in the virtual world of Second Life].
  7. Holmberg, K. & Huvila, I. (2008). Oppimisen kolmas ulottuvuus – Second Lifen mahdollisuudet opetuskäytössä. SeOPPI, vol. 1, 2008 [article about educational possibilities of virtual worlds].
  8. Holmberg, K. (2007). Åbo Akademin liiketaloustieteiden professoreiden vaikuttavuus [research report, an analysis using webometric methods of the impact of the professors at the Department of Business Studies and the Department of Information Technology at Åbo Akademi].
  9. Holmberg, K. (2007). Second Life – synteettisen maailman mahdollisuuksia. SeOPPI, vol. 2, 2007 [article about educational possibilities of virtual worlds].
  10. Holmberg, K. (2007). Second Life, bibliotekariens andra liv. Bibban (Finlands svenska biblioteksförenings medlemstidning), vol. 2, 2007 (article about libraries in virtual worlds).
  11. Holmberg, K. (2005). Comparing research in the fields of communication and information studies – a content analysis [research report, a co-word analysis of the publications in the fields of communication and information studies in Finland].

E. Theses

  1. Holmberg, K. (2009). Webometric Network Analysis – mapping cooperation and geopolitical connections between local government administration on the Web. Dissertation. Åbo: Åbo Akademi UP, 2009. (Available online at
  2. Holmberg, K. (2004). Folkhälsoinstitutets forskares informationssökningsbeteende och informationstjänstens roll. Pro gradu. [Master’s thesis about the information seeking behaviour of researchers at the National Health Institute in Finland]